Ambrosus Town Hall 8/26/22

4 min readAug 29, 2022


Key points from Friday’s call and what we did over the past week.

Lang, Kevin, Lena, and I discussed the latest project updates heading into the AirDAO launch month.

Hello Ambros, and welcome to this final weekly recap for the month of August! With the official launch of AirDAO approaching, the team has been busy ensuring that all the components of our brand are aligned and ready to be shared with the public. At the same time, our community has been growing faster than ever, with our Ambrosus Turkiye Telegram chat just surpassing 3,000 members and our main Ambrosus group drawing within a few dozen members of hitting 10,000. As an added bonus, over the weekend we also achieved a milestone of 15,000 on-chain AMB holders! These are all very impressive numbers, and ones that we expect to keep growing as we continue to drive forward and execute our AirDAO roadmap. With that in mind, here are some of the main topics of discussion from this week’s call.

  • After spending the previous few weeks in Dubai, a period in which he made significant progress securing leads and negotiating with a potential pre-seed investor, Lang flew to Switzerland to meet up with Ambrosus Founder Stefan Meyer. Together the two of them reviewed internal tokenomic and multisig wallet models for AirDAO, incorporating feedback and outlining some changes for these items and for the pitchdeck and litepaper as well. This new information was also sent to the aforementioned investor candidate, and barring any unforeseen due-diligence hurdles, Lang’s goal is to proceed towards closing a deal with this individual over the coming weeks.
  • Normally price-action is not something we devote much time to discussing since it’s largely a function of market conditions, but this past week was the latest in a series of very strong weeks for AMB with regards to volume and performance against Bitcoin. While green candles are always exciting, we’re especially glad to be establishing such a solid trend of positive growth despite overall market bearishness. Our hope is that the trajectory of AMB will continue to reflect the hard-work being put in by the team and the support and activity of the Ambrosus community, especially factoring in the upcoming release of AirDAO’s first wave of products.
  • In addition to our ongoing Binance Staking and Binance Lite Referral programs, Binance surprised us this week by including AMB in their weekly “Earn Wednesday” promotion. This is one of Binance’s newer features and allows users to earn 3% APY on up to 10,000 “saved” AMB. While this isn’t the most competitive rate of return compared to their locked AMB staking or our own staking via Arcadia, it is very encouraging that Binance continues to engage with us in new campaigns, and we look forward to strengthening that relationship even further by integrating with BNB Chain via our bridge and pursuing a BUSD pairing in the near future. To read more about Earn Wednesday and how to participate, click here.

Some other items of note:

  • We continue to research which influencers to work with in preparation for AirDAO’s public launch. Our goal is to find some partners to create their own informative content on suitable platforms (e.g. YouTube) as well as others on Telegram, Twitter, and elsewhere to help expand the audience for our own materials including our AirDAO promotional videos, blog posts, and even Tier-1 media articles secured through our PR company.
  • In addition to the milestones for holders and Telegram members noted in the intro, this past month has been marked by a massive increase in engagement on our social media channels. The most significant impact has been seen on Twitter, as in the past 30 days the total engagement on our Ambrosus Ecosystem account has increased by more than 300% over the previous month. This is an incredible figure, and we appreciate everyone who has helped contribute to this by liking and sharing our posts as well as by being active in the community and welcoming newcomers.

To sum everything up, it’s been a fantastic month of August in all areas for Ambrosus, but in a certain sense this is still just the beginning. The AirDAO launch within a few short weeks is the first step towards building out a full suite of intuitive, accessible digital products under a system of governance where everyone can participate and reap the benefits. There’s a saying in business that one should “play long-term games with long-term people,” and while we consider the AirDAO vision as more of a mission than a game, it is one that we are glad to have undertaken with you as a community by our side. Expect a concrete announcement on the AirDAO timeline very, very soon, and until next time, have an outstanding week!

