Ambrosus Town Hall 8/19/22

4 min readAug 22, 2022


Key points from Friday’s call and what we did over the past week.

Kevin and Lang shared brand-new updates about the impending AirDAO launch.

Greetings once again everyone, and welcome to this latest edition of our weekly Town Hall recap series! We are heading into the homestretch with respect to the AirDAO public launch, and in this meeting CEO Lang was able to give some of the most detailed updates so far. Friday was a rough day for crypto with Bitcoin and Ethereum both tumbling well over 10%, but AMB demonstrated some strength yet again and overall volume has continued to be encouraging. That said, there was a lot of info shared this week, so let the recap begin! Here are some of the main topics of discussion from this week’s call.

  • Prior to the official beginning of OTC fundraising in September, Lang has had meetings with some of his prior investor contacts to refine our pitchdeck, receive feedback, and also to give them an early-access opportunity if they are so inclined. Reception has been largely positive, with one investor even making a soft commitment on the condition of receiving additional information relating to future tokenomics, the supply and proposed cap, and different value mechanisms that will exist within the AirDAO ecosystem. This is some promising progress already and bodes well for Lang’s continued efforts over the next couple months.
  • On that same note, Lang has spent the past several weeks in Dubai, which has quickly emerged as a hotbed of crypto activity since Binance secured a license to operate there in March. Over the coming weeks, Lang will be travelling to Paris to attend Binance Blockchain Week and interface with their team their as well as making the trip to Singapore for Token 2049, the flagship event of Asia Crypto Week. These events will be key opportunities for Lang to converse with and pitch prospective investors and to further spread awareness about the unique vision and value that AirDAO will be providing
  • In conjunction with Binance, we have launched a Lite Referral Program for AMB that can allow individuals to earn up to $1200 in BUSD for referring their friends and familiar through their own unique referral ID link. All referrals require KYC within a set period to be valid, and you can find the full set of details and criteria regarding this promotion here.
  • As our final preparations for AirDAO’s launch near completion, we are putting into place a market-strategy to draw as many eyes as possible. This includes increased influencer marketing on Telegram, Twitter, and YouTube as well as releasing our own AirDAO promotional videos and reinitiating active work with our PR company to secure Tier-1 media placements and podcast slots to further spread the word about AirDAO.

Some other items of note:

  • Similarly to the testing program initiated for FirepotSwap, we have hand-selected a small group of community members to test our new AirDAO-branded website and provide feedback as to the design, navigation, functionality, etc. We will also be implementing a web analytics program over the next or so to ensure that when the website is live, we are able to identify the pathing of website visitors and make sure everything on the site is routed to optimize for an easy and intuitive user experience
  • We have noted this previously, but AMB will not only be serving as the native currency and utility coin of AMB-NET after the AirDAO launch, but it will be transitioning into a governance role as well. With one AMB equaling one vote, users will be able to actively participate in the direction of the AirDAO ecosystem through forging their own proposals and voting on the proposals of other community members, the Council (AirDAO’s team which will be either ratified or chosen anew via open election occurring by EOY), or the Oversight Committee (a group of individuals elected by the community to check the power of the Council and to represent the community’s best interests). The transition to complete DAO governance will be a complicated one, but this initial knowledge and first steps are crucial, and we will be keeping the community educated and informed as we continue this process.

To conclude, it was a very promising and busy week in the lead-up to AirDAO’s launch and there is much, much more yet to come. As always, thank you for reading and being active participants in what we are building — we look forward to sharing it with you and the broader public very, very soon. Until next recap, I hope you all have an excellent week!

